What you need to know


TrueXtract is a configurable and robust data extraction platform. The platform leverages cutting-edge OCR and AI technologies—including Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning—to deliver unmatched performance required to meet specific and evolving client needs. This results in huge savings on large data parsing projects. Our state-of-the-art, infinitely scalable, technology platform simplifies the work flow process associated with data import, data identification, extraction, document creation, dashboarding and data export.

TrueXtract Advantage

  • Robust Data Extraction
  • AI Powered
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Lower Costs
  • Scalable Platform
  • Quality Control
  • Analytics

Data Extraction Made Easy

TrueXtract clients see their data extraction times for massive volumes of documents go down from days to a single day or even a few hours. This dramatically streamlines clients’ business processes, decision making, improving their ability to meet SLAs and surpass their customers’ expectations. TrueXtract can process and interpret both semi-structured and unstructured documents including handwritten notes. The platform continuously learns from new documents and refines its models for various machine learning tasks such as document classification, entity extraction and information retrieval.

Serving Data How You Want It

TrueXtract allows clients to customize the delivery of the extracted data based on their customers’ requirements. Configurable workflows allow our clients to define a post (data extraction) processing pipeline to combine different document processing modules such as text highlighting to draw attention to specific units of data, redaction to erase sensitive and confidential data, searchable documents from scanned documents and document splitting.